Wow! Where Did January Go?

Workers pruning grapevines under a gray sky

The year has already started off with so much good stuff at Burton Bittman Wines. We're working with an amazing new crew in the vineyard that is helping Lee and Kathy actually retire vs. farmer retire (i.e. farm operations still depend on their time and labor). 

Wait. Isn't all the winemaking done in the fall at harvest time?

Actually, winter is the most important season for winemaking and vineyard work. Yes, the vines are asleep, but the people are busy. This year, we have a talented new crew who are laying the groundwork for the 2023 vintage by carefully pruning the vines and pulling old wood (canes or 'brazos' in Spanish) out of the trellis. If this work isn't done well, there's no grapes and no wine. 😳


Harrisa White Bean Stew with Turmeric Yogurt


The Key? The Bee!